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The History of Paper & Recycling

Paper was first invented in "Lei-Yang" by China, approximately 2000 years ago. Before then, they used pictures & symbols etched on clay tablets, stone and cave walls. About 300 years later, Muslims learned the secret of paper when they captured a Chinese paper mill. Later, when Muslims invaded Europe they brought this secret with them. First mill was built in Spain and soon all across Europe. Over the next few centuries, paper was used for printing important books, bibles and legal documents. Chinese used method of shredding old rags and clothes into individual fibers to make paper. As the demand grew, mills changed to using the fiber from TREE's instead. Today most trees used to make paper are from "WORKING FOREST" and harvested like a crop- specially for making paper. Paper mills also use recycled paper as well as wood chips and sawdust left over from lumber operations.

RECYCLING has always been a part of papermaking. When you recycle your paper, paper mills will use it to make new notebook paper, grocery bags, envelopes, newspapers, magazines, cartons, and other paper products

Burger Boxes

Burger boxes are made of polystyrene, which is a form plastic, and it is found all around us. Items made from polystyrene include; foam meat trays, foam and clear clamshell containers, plates, packaging, audio cassette, CD cases, disposable cutlery and so on. Polystyrene can be RECYCLED. And today, millions of pellets of recycled polystyrene are sold and used for manufacturing many useful products. Like, rulers, office accessories and so on. It takes only 40 minutes to take a coffee cup to recycle it into tiny pellets, which are used to make new products.


Polystyrene does not contain CFC's and can be recycled over and over again.


Plastic is a synthetic (man-made) product, made from oil. Oil is extracted from deep underground, and used in all sorts of ways, including production of plastic. If we recycle plastic, we can reduce our demand for more oil to be extracted. 

Aluminium Containers

Aluminium became commercially available more than a century ago and has been in use since. It can be economically recycled. As a used material, it retains a positive monetary value. The metal remains substantially in tact in terms of volume and for one twentieth of its original extraction cost can be remelted to become new metal ready for its next task. For example: the beverage cans represent clear evidence that aluminium packaging material can be recycled with outstanding success.

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